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·KPD-series Electric Flat Carriage
·KP-series electric flat carriage
·KPT-series Electric Flat Carriage
·KPC-series Trench Flap Electric
·KPX-series Electric Flat Carriage
·Special Electric Flat Carriage
·Electric Turntable
·PC-series Electric Flat Carriage
·Metallurgy industry cars
·Hydraulic Lifting Table Electric Flat Carriage
·Turnover Table Electric Flat Carriage
·Electric Rolling Machine
·Trolley car

Changshu Kailong Electric Flat Carriage Co., Ltd.
add:No.119, Zhimei Road, Meili Town, Changshu City
tel:0512-52664298 0512-52609698
Contacts:Chairman manager
Guorong Wang13506239961
Minister of Sales
Jian Wnag 13616231205

Warning signs significance in the electric flat car in operation

People drive will be the first to learn theoretical knowledge when get a license,have a very important is the understanding of theoretical knowledge of safety signs. Safety signs general divided into prohibition signs and warning signs,instruction signs and prompt signs of four types.

But in the electric flat car, electric rail flat car, electric rail flat car is mainly adoptsthe warning signs. Warning signs is mainly composed of safety color,composition of diagonal stripes in the warning signs in general for the yellow and black composition rules have. Note, the meaning of warning yellow. To warn people to pay attention to the devices, equipment or operating environment with yellow mark. In order to make the yellow sign more eye-catching, join the blackelements of the provisions of the state. A variety of mechanical collision easily in the work or moving parts, such as mobile crane, the crane hook pulley outer legside plate, the top of the four round of the boom and counterweight; cowcatcherand side railings flat trailer; gantry crane and portal frame; compression sheardevice; a temporary or permanent dangerous place punch block, general willestablish or spraying on the yellow and black stripes to represent.

Copyright:Changshu Kailong Electric flat carriage Limited Company add:No.119, Zhimei Road, Meili Town, Changshu City tel:0512-52664298 0512-52609698
fax:0512-52262798 email:kl@cskailong.com website:www.cskailong.com